hey, I am Doniyor. Fullstack Software Engineer. First line of code at 8 years old.

Since then, building things. Time flies.

I like working on things that never end, things that improve lives of people. Fields like Health, Industry or just some incredibly useful software tools for different purposes.

One of apps I wrote was on stage with Mark Zuckerberg in 2017, F8 Conference. Later co-founded instingo.de, growing well since then. Also working on different products that improve lives of humans. Future is super exciting and bright.

I have this strange radical optimism - it drives my whole life.

I love being around smart people inside challenging environments. Every moment we spend is precious. We need to make it count.

I thought, I was introvert. I am probably both.

What about you? What is your story?

Contact me on X or drop me an email: hey at this domain.